Leah’s Pantry: Plant-Focused Diet

Oak Leaf Landings Senior Housing 2350 North Central Avenue, Kissimmee, FL

We will discuss the benefits of eating plant-based foods. Plant-based foods are high in vitamins and minerals, rich in fiber and contain less saturated fat - unlike animal based foods. We will discuss ways to reduce use of animal-based foods and give some great examples to do this. Sample recipes will be provided, followed by […]

Leah’s Pantry: Plant-Focused Diet

Oak Leaf Landings Senior Housing 2350 North Central Avenue, Kissimmee, FL

We will discuss the benefits of eating plant-based foods. Plant-based foods are high in vitamins and minerals, rich in fiber and contain less saturated fat - unlike animal based foods. We will discuss ways to reduce use of animal-based foods and give some great examples to do this. Sample recipes will be provided, followed by […]

Leah’s Pantry: Fuel Your Brain

Oak Leaf Landings Senior Housing 2350 North Central Avenue, Kissimmee, FL

We will discuss the benefits of eating brain-healthy foods and provide a variety of examples. We will also review how to make the switch to brain-healthier options. Sample recipes will be provided, followed by a questions and answers session.

Leah’s Pantry: Fuel Your Brain

Oak Leaf Landings Senior Housing 2350 North Central Avenue, Kissimmee, FL

We will discuss the benefits of eating brain-healthy foods and provide a variety of examples. We will also review how to make the switch to brain-healthier options. Sample recipes will be provided, followed by a questions and answers session.

Leah’s Pantry: Don’t Call Me Sugar

Oak Leaf Landings Senior Housing 2350 North Central Avenue, Kissimmee, FL

We will discuss the many names used for the sugar that is added in our foods and beverages. We will also discuss how we can replace sugar continuing to have tasty meals. Recipes will be shared as well as questions and anwers sessions.

Leah’s Pantry: Don’t Call Me Sugar

Oak Leaf Landings Senior Housing 2350 North Central Avenue, Kissimmee, FL

We will discuss the many names used for the sugar that is added in our foods and beverages. We will also discuss how we can replace sugar, but still continuing to have meals that taste good. Sample recipes will be shared, followed by a questions and answers session.