Got Your Dairy Today?

Hugh Ash Manor 740 N Woodland Blvd., Deland, FL

Learn about the different types of dairy foods and the importance of dairy in your diet

MyPlate – Mindful Eating

Hugh Ash Manor 740 N Woodland Blvd., Deland, FL

Eating has become a mindless act, often done quickly. This can be problematic since it takes time for your brain to register that you’re full.Learn to pay closer attention to your food and how it makes you feel.

Leah’s Pantry

Hugh Ash Manor 740 N Woodland Blvd., Deland, FL

Strong Bones for Life

Leah’s Pantry

Hugh Ash Manor 740 N Woodland Blvd., Deland, FL

Food Safety

Leah’s Pantry

Hugh Ash Manor 740 N Woodland Blvd., Deland, FL

Diabetes: Know Your Risk